Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blogging Challenge 4.

In order to preserve our Earth, we must learn to recycle. We should recycle everything and anything. From plastic to paper to even bottles. Recycling will help use less space for landfills and even less garbage. Instead of buying paper plates, you should just do the dishes; that way you save garbage. When you go to brush your teeth, don't leave the water running. Unplug your phone charger when you're not using it or any electronic device that you won't be using. Even lights, when you are going to leave a room and you know you will be gone for awile; just turn the light off.

This is for the
Blogging Challenge.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

O-town yo!!

Oneida is a beautiful place. It has a population of 1,070 people, but that was at the 2000 census. It has lakes to fish and fields to stare at and walk through. We are a very tradirional community.There's restauraunts and stores that have our beads and jewlery and clothing. It's a nice place to go through.


If you were to visit Oneida, you would have to see the Museum. It tells you everything about our ancestors. Then, you would have to go to the casino and spend some money there. After, you should go to the White Eagle restauraunt and have a traditional indian taco. They are to die for. You'll never taste anything like it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I think the only appropriate time to put a picture of yourself on your blog is when it only shows your face. Nothing like your school logo, or something too revealing. People are dangerous and you never know what could happen to you if you do. People could message you and pretend they're your friend, when they really aren't.